Here we are in this wonderful country, sitting in our warm homes and probably thinking about what delicious item might be for dinner tonight. Well, this is not the case for everyone, there are many people in America who are also wondering what might be for dinner but that is because they do not know how they may eat tonight. In 2012, 49 million American lived in food insecure homes, this is a very large number when you consider how many people there are that waste food on a regular basis...
The topic of my main concern is the health and lifestyle of college students, the future people of our country, my own fellow classmates, and the people who are facing such tough times only because they are following the role that society puts upon them. In our generation it is taught that going to college is crucial and this is pretty accurate. If one does not have a college degree the chances of having a career that will support them and potential family is very limited. However, college students are becoming more and more poor just to attain this degree that seems to determine their future. The increase in tuition for colleges is decreasing but what students are actually paying to attend college is on the rise. The average student loan debt of a college student is $29,400, this is a hefty amount of debt for someone coming out of school and jumping into a career that they will likely have to climb up the pay scale in. With most students having this in mind they are trying to save their money, but saving is hard when there are fees such as book costs, supplies for school, room and board, transportation, and the big one, food. So many students are struggling to afford the necessities of college and are then left at the end of the night wondering how they will afford food for the week ahead...
For the sake of my fellow peers and the future leaders of our country, I propose an act to alleviate hunger among college students nation wide. Since there is so much food that is wasted everyday by those who can afford an abundance of food and because there are many students that find it easier and cheaper to retrieve their meals from restaurants and fast food joints, I propose the restaurant waste smoothie.
This is a very simple strategy and would help many people who find cost and time difficult things to overcome in their everyday lives. What would take place is as follows: when a meal is ordered at a restaurant and not finished the server is to empty the scraps off of the plates and dispose of them into the 'student waste box' and then every few hours, or when the box is full, the scraps within it will be blended together to make a smoothie. These smoothies will be distributed to the college students who are facing difficulty in acquiring meals that week.
There are many benefits to this program; first of all food waste will be diminished, second students can put their money towards school related necessities and not have to worry about becoming malnourished, and finally every meal is a surprise! Chances are that every smoothie will be packed with protein and other nutritional benefits that a striving student would need.
Depending on where the scraps came from, this may not taste too bad. I'm sure if you could get past the look of it you could easily scarf one down..... maybe.
ReplyDeleteI really liked this even though it could turn into being something gross really quick!
ReplyDeleteYuck! lol. What a disturbing thought - so it fits the goal of the assignment quite nicely. :)
ReplyDeleteLoved where our ideas went! There honestly could be some good tasting smoothies out there.